
Preparing your appeal for Social Security benefit denial

Applying for Social Security is something that is a lifeline for some people. When you are disabled or unable to work, getting a monthly check can help you meet your basic needs. As we mentioned last week, it isn’t always easy to get Social Security benefits. In many cases, initial applications are denied. This means… Read more


Online appeal process for Social Security has been streamlined

People who have applied for Social Security and have been denied have been complaining about the online appeal process. The Social Security Administration has responded to those complaints. People who need to appeal a decision can now do so using a streamlined online process. The online appeal option was put into place in 2007. Since… Read more


Social Security numbers to be removed from benefit cards

The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 made an important change for Medicare recipients. In Section 501, the removal of Social Security numbers on Medicare cards is mandated. While this isn’t to say that it will happen instantly, it is a step in the right direction for people who are receiving Medicare. As… Read more


What can the SSA do to collect on a disability overpayment?

The application process for Social Security disability benefits can get pretty complicated. It is important to note though that complications can also arise after a person has been approved for such benefits. One way complications can arise is through an overpayment of benefits. When the Social Security Administration makes an overpayment of disability benefits to… Read more


A brief glimpse of Social Security’s ‘double dipping’ problem

One of the arguments that many people make against the Social Security system is that the people who draw money from the program are “double dipping.” This argument alludes to the idea that some people collect disability checks from Social Security while also collecting unemployment checks. People argue that this is unfair. First of all,… Read more