
Understanding asbestos-related illnesses

Most Minnesota residents have likely heard of asbestos but may not necessarily know really what it is. Commonly utilized in several construction, automotive or industrial applications over a long period of time, asbestos has been the cause of many work-related illnesses. Employees who have suffered from diseases related to asbestos do not have minor issues… Read more


Understanding illnesses in the workplace

Pennsylvania residents know that the government maintains regulations for on-the-job safety. While certainly guarding against a work-related accident is important, these regulations are also designed to help prevent or lower the risk of an occupational illness. From a completely physical condition to a mental illness like depression, a workplace illness can have long-term effects on… Read more


More than Ebola: Nurses face daily dangers at work

The news that two nurses caught Ebola after caring for a man who later died of the infection at a Texas hospital has alarmed nurses and health care officials nationwide. Investigators are looking into how the women contracted the infection, saying that a breach of protocol is to blame. Nurses spoke out about a lack… Read more


Pennsylvania sanitation workers face risk from discarded needles

Throughout the U.S., millions of Americans use injectable needles to treat a wide range of chronic illnesses. The needle pricks that help keep these people alive and well could prove dangerous for sanitation workers who pick up and sort our garbage. When not properly disposed of, needles can stick these workers, creating a risk of… Read more


OSHA proposes new rule to limit silica exposure

Last month we discussed the dangers workers in the fracturing industry face, mainly the health risks associated with silica exposure, and how current equipment does not protect workers from silica and other dangerous toxins. Silica exposure is very hazardous yet it is still very common for construction workers in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States… Read more


Equipment not protecting hydraulic fracturing workers from toxins

Many industrial workers are exposed to dangerous toxins in the workplace but hydraulic fracturing workers may face some of the most dangerous health hazards on the job. A new study found that workers in the hydraulic fracturing industry may be exposed to dangerous levels of silica despite wearing protective equipment. Workers have been exposed to… Read more


Farm workers face risk of pesticide poisoning

Farm workers face several hazards on the job but a new report found that many farm workers in the U.S. are exposed to serious health risks every year. Farm workers are exposed to pesticides every day while working and employers are not taking the appropriate precautions to protect their workers from pesticide poisoning and other… Read more


Heat-related illnesses still a threat for Pennsylvania workers

Now that we are approaching the dog days of summer, it is important for workers and employers to be aware of the dangers of heat-related illnesses. It is especially important for employees in Pennsylvania who work outside this summer to be aware of the signs of heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses to stay safe… Read more