
Martin Law Helps Clarify Independent Contractor Law In Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, employees can receive workers’ compensation benefits, while independent contractors typically cannot. While this seems like a straightforward issue, in reality it is one of the most complicated areas of workers’ comp law. A recent case handled by Martin Law shows just how complex this area of the law can be and how something… Read more


I’m an independent contractor, can I file a Workers’ Compensation claim?

“Can independent contractors get workers’ compensation?” If you’ve been hurt in the workplace and told that you cannot get workers’ compensation benefits because you are an independent contractor, there is an important question you must ask: “Am I actually an independent contractor?” Attorney Matt Wilson explains why this question is important: “Just because an employer… Read more


Employee or Independent Contractor: An Important Distinction

Are you an employee, or an independent contractor? Chances are the company you work for has an answer to that question. But are they right? Misclassification of workers is a widespread problem: Pennsylvania even has a new law specifically targeting improper mislabeling of construction workers. If they get away with it, calling employees “independent contractors”… Read more