Martin Law Attorneys Listed as Best Lawyers 2024

We are proud to announce that 11 Martin Law attorneys have been chosen in the milestone 30th edition of The Best Lawyers in America® on their exceptional work in Workers’ Compensation Law – Claimants.

Listed: Amit Shah, Esq., Joseph Huttemann, Esq., Matthew Wilson, Esq., Alfred Carlson, Esq., John Dogum, Esq., Joseph Conlan, Esq., Jenna King, Esq., Leah Cilo, Esq., John O’Donnell, Esq., Lisa Eldridge, Esq., Steven Ryan, Esq.

Best Lawyers uses a thoughtful, thorough, logical, and clear survey process crafted to gather meaningful and substantial feedback of the quality of legal services.

Thank you to Best Lawyers for the honor!