Workers’ Compensation for Soft Tissue Injuries

Workplace injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons or nerves can be a double whammy. On the front end, employers may dispute the severity of the injury or whether it was work-related. After the fact, they often try to terminate benefits by claiming you are fully recovered or healthy enough for light duty.

Don’t let your employer, their preferred doctors or insurance carrier push you around. Martin Law can step in to protect your best interests. We have practiced in workers’ compensation claims and litigation for 30 years.

Call us at 215.587.8400 for a free consultation. We represent only employees, serving the Philadelphia area and southeast Pennsylvania.

Nerve Damage and Pain Muscle Injuries Connective Tissue Tears

We have helped clients secure benefits or settlements for all types of disabling injuries:

We handle claims stemming from a specific accident at work, repetitive stress injury claims if the damage was gradual, and aggravation of pre-existing conditions.

These Injuries Can’t Be Taken Lightly

Whether you suffered tissue damage in your back, neck, joints or limbs, a seemingly minor tear can cause major pain and lasting problems. Treatment may involve surgery, rehab or simply rest, and it is important to have physicians who will back you up.

You are not limited to seeing the company’s “official” doctors. Our experienced lawyers can connect clients with qualified physicians who can properly diagnose and treat nerve damage or tissue damage, and testify about your workplace limitations. We step in if the workers’ comp insurer rejects your claim or refuses necessary treatment.

In most of our cases, the initial claim is not disputed. We get called in because the employer has offered light duty to reduce a claim to partial disability, or the employer is attempting to terminate benefits altogether. Our attorneys stand up for your work injury rights in hearings, appeals and settlements.

Contact us today to discuss your situation. We offer a free consultation and contingency fee representation, with several offices in the Philly Metro area and surrounding counties.