Helping Injured Workers With Choosing a Doctor

A workplace injury can present you with a number of hardships. In addition to your medical bills and lost time from work, you may also face confusing issues regarding doctors and medical treatment.

At Martin Law, our attorneys can advise you on your rights and responsibilities regarding medical treatment and choosing a doctor. We are focused on helping you get the financial relief you deserve, so you can focus on recovering from your workplace injury.

Please contact us online or by telephone at 215.587.8400 for a free consultation with an experienced Philadelphia workers’ compensation.

Choosing a Doctor and the 90 Day Rule

If you have been injured while working in Pennsylvania, you may wonder whether or not you have the right to choose your own doctor. In many cases, injured workers must choose a doctor from a list provided by their employer.

However, Pennsylvania law requires employers to follow certain guidelines when providing injured employees with a choice of doctors. These guidelines include:

If and only if your employer follows these guidelines, you must continue treatment with the doctor you choose or another on your employer’s list for 90 days following your first visit.

The laws are complex and you may be uncertain whether or not your employer has followed the guidelines. Our lawyers are well-versed in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation laws and can help you understand and protect your rights.

Contact Us

Do you have questions about workers’ compensation and medical treatment? Contact attorneys who understand the value of your disability claim and who will stand up for your rights. We offer a
free consultation, and there are no attorney fees for representing you in hearings or appeals unless we win your case.