If you are injured and unable to work, even if it is only for a short period of time, the bills can pile up quickly. Short-term disability insurance benefits can replace all or part of your lost income while you recover.

Schedule a free consultation

If you need help with your short-term disability benefits claim, the attorneys at Martin Law can assist you. Our Philadelphia short-term disability attorneys are experienced in fighting denied claims and can help you with all aspects of your claim, including appealing a denial of benefits with your insurer and collecting the necessary evidence and documentation from your doctor to substantiate your disability. We can help you pursue the compensation you need now and in the future, should your short-term claim transition to long-term disability coverage.

Every insurance plan and policy is different and each includes strict deadlines for filing and appealing claims. Our attorneys will work with you and diligently review your plan or policy to ensure deadlines are met, appeals are timely, and necessary evidence is provided. We will work to get you the compensation you paid for and deserve.

Has Your Short Term Disability Claim Been Denied? Contact Martin Law

To discuss your legal options and fight your denied short-term disability claim, contact a Pennsylvania insurance benefit application lawyer at our firm. From our offices in Philadelphia, we represent clients throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Maryland.